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Kichler LED Rail in Brushed Nickel | Fan DiegoLED Rail by Kichler in Brushed Nickel from the Andlos collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Semi-Flush Mts. with free shipping deals.83382Brushed Nickel47.75325.5 DIA419.2LEDIntegratedLEDYesNo120 Volt["Steel"]SteelcETLusDryNoEASemi-Flush Mts.6" & Less7" - 12"$300-$500Etched Acrylic6"Etched AcrylicYes1230300090YesNo3 YrNoHardwiredNo3.67NoCNNoNoNo09/13/2023Rail KitsPewter, Nickel, SilverContemporary ModernSemi-Flush Mts.Rail KitsContemporary Modern26.635.510.571.511UPSMid-Century Modern1150
Kichler LED Rail in Brushed Nickel | Fan Diego LED Rail by Kichler in Brushed Nickel from the Andlos collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Semi-Flush Mts. with free shipping deals. 83382 Brushed Nickel 4 7.75 32 5.5 DIA 4 19.2 LED Integrated LED Yes No 120 Volt ["Steel"] Steel cETLus Dry No EA Semi-Flush Mts. 6" & Less 7" - 12" $300-$500 Etched Acrylic 6" Etched Acrylic Yes 1230 3000 90 Yes No 3 Yr No Hardwired No 3.67 No CN No No No 09/13/2023 Rail Kits Pewter, Nickel, Silver Contemporary Modern Semi-Flush Mts. Rail Kits Contemporary Modern 2 6.6 35.5 10.5 7 1.51 1 UPS Mid-Century Modern 1150