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Kuzco Lighting One Light Pendant in Black/Opal Glass|Black/Smoked|Brushed Gold/Opal Glass | Fan DiegoOne Light Pendant by Kuzco Lighting in Black/Opal Glass|Black/Smoked|Brushed Gold/Opal Glass from the Arcadia collection. Save on the largest selection of Kuzco Lighting Mini Pendants with free shipping deals.PD59708-BG/OPBlack/Opal Glass|Black/Smoked|Brushed Gold/Opal Glass7.889.1346"(3x12" + 1x6" + 1x4")D4-3/4" x H3/8"160A19E26IncandescentNoNo120 Volt["Steel"]SteelULDryNoMini Pendants7" - 12"7" - 12"$100-$200Opal Glass or Smoked Glass72"NoNoNo1 YearNoNoNoChinaNoNoNo Spec Sheet.pdf44928RodGold, Champ, Gld LeafContemporary ModernMini PendantsRodContemporary Modern25.510.2514.810.25 Installation Instructions.pdfWhiteMid-Century Modern
Kuzco Lighting One Light Pendant in Black/Opal Glass|Black/Smoked|Brushed Gold/Opal Glass | Fan Diego One Light Pendant by Kuzco Lighting in Black/Opal Glass|Black/Smoked|Brushed Gold/Opal Glass from the Arcadia collection. Save on the largest selection of Kuzco Lighting Mini Pendants with free shipping deals. PD59708-BG/OP Black/Opal Glass|Black/Smoked|Brushed Gold/Opal Glass 7.88 9.13 46"(3x12" + 1x6" + 1x4") D4-3/4" x H3/8" 1 60 A19 E26 Incandescent No No 120 Volt ["Steel"] Steel UL Dry No Mini Pendants 7" - 12" 7" - 12" $100-$200 Opal Glass or Smoked Glass 72" No No No 1 Year No No No China No No No Spec Sheet.pdf 44928 Rod Gold, Champ, Gld Leaf Contemporary Modern Mini Pendants Rod Contemporary Modern 2 5.5 10.25 14.8 10.25 Installation Instructions.pdf White Mid-Century Modern