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Capital Lighting One Light Semi-Flush Mount in Nordic Grey | Fan DiegoOne Light Semi-Flush Mount by Capital Lighting in Nordic Grey from the Tybee collection. Save on the largest selection of Capital Lighting Semi-Flush Mts. with free shipping deals.229111NGNordic Grey["Bath", " Kitchen", " Dining Room", " Hallway", " Laundry", " Staircase Landing"]Bath, Kitchen, Dining Room, Hallway, Laundry, Staircase LandingBathKitchenDining RoomHallwayLaundryStaircase Landing168.755``W x 1``H1100E26E26 MediumIncandescentNoNo120 Volt["Metal"]MetalDryULNoSemi-Flush Mts.13" - 18"7" - 12"$200-$3006`Overall height includes 6``,12`` & 18``L removable rods.NoNoNoNoNo8NoChinaNoNoNo44927CageGrayRestorationSemi-Flush Mts.CageRestoration28181218Small Parcel CarrierTransitional
Capital Lighting One Light Semi-Flush Mount in Nordic Grey | Fan Diego One Light Semi-Flush Mount by Capital Lighting in Nordic Grey from the Tybee collection. Save on the largest selection of Capital Lighting Semi-Flush Mts. with free shipping deals. 229111NG Nordic Grey ["Bath", " Kitchen", " Dining Room", " Hallway", " Laundry", " Staircase Landing"] Bath, Kitchen, Dining Room, Hallway, Laundry, Staircase Landing Bath Kitchen Dining Room Hallway Laundry Staircase Landing 16 8.75 5``W x 1``H 1 100 E26 E26 Medium Incandescent No No 120 Volt ["Metal"] Metal Dry UL No Semi-Flush Mts. 13" - 18" 7" - 12" $200-$300 6` Overall height includes 6``,12`` & 18``L removable rods. No No No No No 8 No China No No No 44927 Cage Gray Restoration Semi-Flush Mts. Cage Restoration 2 8 18 12 18 Small Parcel Carrier Transitional