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Capital Lighting Two Light Vanity in Polished Nickel | Fan DiegoTwo Light Vanity by Capital Lighting in Polished Nickel from the Nyla collection. Save on the largest selection of Capital Lighting Bathroom Fixtures with free shipping deals.145121PNPolished Nickel1595``2100A15E26 MediumIncandescentNoNo120 Volt["Metal"]MetalULDampYesBathroom Fixtures13" - 18"7" - 12"$100-$200Clear Fluted GlassNoNoNoNo8No5.75NoChinaNoNoNo44927Two LightsPolished NickelTransitionalBathroom FixturesTwo LightsTransitional2716.2516.59Small Parcel CarrierClear
Capital Lighting Two Light Vanity in Polished Nickel | Fan Diego Two Light Vanity by Capital Lighting in Polished Nickel from the Nyla collection. Save on the largest selection of Capital Lighting Bathroom Fixtures with free shipping deals. 145121PN Polished Nickel 15 9 5`` 2 100 A15 E26 Medium Incandescent No No 120 Volt ["Metal"] Metal UL Damp Yes Bathroom Fixtures 13" - 18" 7" - 12" $100-$200 Clear Fluted Glass No No No No 8 No 5.75 No China No No No 44927 Two Lights Polished Nickel Transitional Bathroom Fixtures Two Lights Transitional 2 7 16.25 16.5 9 Small Parcel Carrier Clear