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Eurofase Diffused Lens in Platinum | Fan DiegoDiffused Lens by Eurofase in Platinum from the collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Recessed with free shipping deals.30303-0NPlatinum6.136.56.13114.4INTEGRATEDLEDYesNoCETLUSDampNoEARecessed6" & Less6" & Less$100-$200PlatinumYes1180300080YesNoNoNo2.2NoChinaNoYesNo44562Recessed FixturesPewter, Nickel, SilverArchitectureRecessedRecessed FixturesArchitecture23.318.6228.60.94UPSWhiteArchitecture120
Eurofase Diffused Lens in Platinum | Fan Diego Diffused Lens by Eurofase in Platinum from the collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Recessed with free shipping deals. 30303-0N Platinum 6.13 6.5 6.13 1 14.4 INTEGRATED LED Yes No CETLUS Damp No EA Recessed 6" & Less 6" & Less $100-$200 Platinum Yes 1180 3000 80 Yes No No No 2.2 No China No Yes No 44562 Recessed Fixtures Pewter, Nickel, Silver Architecture Recessed Recessed Fixtures Architecture 2 3.31 8.6 22 8.6 0.94 UPS White Architecture 120