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Eurofase Track/Surface in White | Fan DiegoTrack/Surface by Eurofase in White from the collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Track with free shipping deals.23346-017White4.7512.75124LEDLEDYesNo120 VoltCETLUSDryNoEATrack6" & Less7" - 12"$500-$750Yes2000300085YesNoNoNo0.01NoChinaNoYesNo44562HeadsWhiteArchitectureTrackHeadsArchitecture25.65.1213.395.120.2UPSArchitecture40
Eurofase Track/Surface in White | Fan Diego Track/Surface by Eurofase in White from the collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Track with free shipping deals. 23346-017 White 4.75 12.75 1 24 LED LED Yes No 120 Volt CETLUS Dry No EA Track 6" & Less 7" - 12" $500-$750 Yes 2000 3000 85 Yes No No No 0.01 No China No Yes No 44562 Heads White Architecture Track Heads Architecture 2 5.6 5.12 13.39 5.12 0.2 UPS Architecture 40