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Eurofase Recessed in Platinum | Fan DiegoRecessed by Eurofase in Platinum from the collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Recessed with free shipping deals.TE133-0NPlatinum7.758.519375Par 30E26IncandescentYesNo120 VoltCETLUSDryNoEARecessed7" - 12"7" - 12"$200-$300BlackNoNoE26NoNoNo7.01NoChinaNoNoNo44562MiscPewter, Nickel, SilverArchitectureRecessedMiscArchitecture29.3520.4710.249.451.15UPSBlack
Eurofase Recessed in Platinum | Fan Diego Recessed by Eurofase in Platinum from the collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Recessed with free shipping deals. TE133-0N Platinum 7.75 8.5 19 3 75 Par 30 E26 Incandescent Yes No 120 Volt CETLUS Dry No EA Recessed 7" - 12" 7" - 12" $200-$300 Black No No E26 No No No 7.01 No China No No No 44562 Misc Pewter, Nickel, Silver Architecture Recessed Misc Architecture 2 9.35 20.47 10.24 9.45 1.15 UPS Black