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Kichler One Light Wall Sconce in Chrome | Fan DiegoOne Light Wall Sconce by Kichler in Chrome from the Audrea collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Sconces with free shipping deals.45866CHChrome4.75104.50 X 9.00175A19E26 MediumIncandescentYesNo120 Volt["STEEL"]STEELcETLusDampNoEASconces6" & Less7" - 12"$100-$200Clear Fluted6"NoNoNoNo6.25No2.9NoCNNoNoNo09/13/2023Single GlassChromeContemporary ModernSconcesSingle GlassContemporary Modern23.75168.758.50.69UPS4.5
Kichler One Light Wall Sconce in Chrome | Fan Diego One Light Wall Sconce by Kichler in Chrome from the Audrea collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Sconces with free shipping deals. 45866CH Chrome 4.75 10 4.50 X 9.00 1 75 A19 E26 Medium Incandescent Yes No 120 Volt ["STEEL"] STEEL cETLus Damp No EA Sconces 6" & Less 7" - 12" $100-$200 Clear Fluted 6" No No No No 6.25 No 2.9 No CN No No No 09/13/2023 Single Glass Chrome Contemporary Modern Sconces Single Glass Contemporary Modern 2 3.75 16 8.75 8.5 0.69 UPS 4.5