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Kichler Three Light Bath in Antique Pewter | Fan DiegoThree Light Bath by Kichler in Antique Pewter from the Tallie collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Bathroom Fixtures with free shipping deals.45451APAntique Pewter20.57.58.75 X 5.00360GE12 CandelabraIncandescentYesNo120 Volt["Steel"]SteelcETLusDampNoEABathroom Fixtures19" - 24"7" - 12"$200-$300Clear Satin Etched6"NoNoNoNo6.75No3.9NoCNNoNoNo09/13/2023Three LightsPewter, Nickel, SilverContemporary ModernBathroom FixturesThree LightsContemporary Modern27.4522.258131.341UPSTransitional3.75
Kichler Three Light Bath in Antique Pewter | Fan Diego Three Light Bath by Kichler in Antique Pewter from the Tallie collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Bathroom Fixtures with free shipping deals. 45451AP Antique Pewter 20.5 7.5 8.75 X 5.00 3 60 G E12 Candelabra Incandescent Yes No 120 Volt ["Steel"] Steel cETLus Damp No EA Bathroom Fixtures 19" - 24" 7" - 12" $200-$300 Clear Satin Etched 6" No No No No 6.75 No 3.9 No CN No No No 09/13/2023 Three Lights Pewter, Nickel, Silver Contemporary Modern Bathroom Fixtures Three Lights Contemporary Modern 2 7.45 22.25 8 13 1.34 1 UPS Transitional 3.75