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Kichler Two Light Outdoor Wall Mount in Olde Bronze | Fan DiegoTwo Light Outdoor Wall Mount by Kichler in Olde Bronze from the Narelle collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Exterior with free shipping deals.49286OZOlde Bronze713.55.00 X 9.50260BE12 CandelabraIncandescentYesNo120 Volt["ALUMINUM"]ALUMINUMcETLusWetNoEAExterior7" - 12"13" - 18"$200-$300Clear6"NoNoNoNo5No3.8NoCNNoNoNo09/13/2023Wall Mt./FlushBronze / DarkTransitionalExteriorWall Mt./FlushTransitional26.65168.59.750.77UPS6.75
Kichler Two Light Outdoor Wall Mount in Olde Bronze | Fan Diego Two Light Outdoor Wall Mount by Kichler in Olde Bronze from the Narelle collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Exterior with free shipping deals. 49286OZ Olde Bronze 7 13.5 5.00 X 9.50 2 60 B E12 Candelabra Incandescent Yes No 120 Volt ["ALUMINUM"] ALUMINUM cETLus Wet No EA Exterior 7" - 12" 13" - 18" $200-$300 Clear 6" No No No No 5 No 3.8 No CN No No No 09/13/2023 Wall Mt./Flush Bronze / Dark Transitional Exterior Wall Mt./Flush Transitional 2 6.65 16 8.5 9.75 0.77 UPS 6.75