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Kuzco Lighting LED Pendant in Black|Brushed Gold|Chrome | Fan DiegoLED Pendant by Kuzco Lighting in Black|Brushed Gold|Chrome from the Huron collection. Save on the largest selection of Kuzco Lighting Mini Pendants with free shipping deals.MP95105-BGBlack|Brushed Gold|Chrome21.8832.75D21-3/4" x H1-5/8"50LEDLEDNoNo120 VoltETLDryNoMini Pendants19" - 24"31" - 36"$1500 & moreFrosted acrylic diffuser120"No4000300090YesNo5 YearsNoNoNoChinaNoNoNo Spec Sheet.pdf449284+Light ClusterGold, Champ, Gld LeafTransitionalMini Pendants4+Light ClusterTransitional228.2528.349.4424.010.111Small50000 Installation Instructions.pdfContemporary ModernRestoration
Kuzco Lighting LED Pendant in Black|Brushed Gold|Chrome | Fan Diego LED Pendant by Kuzco Lighting in Black|Brushed Gold|Chrome from the Huron collection. Save on the largest selection of Kuzco Lighting Mini Pendants with free shipping deals. MP95105-BG Black|Brushed Gold|Chrome 21.88 32.75 D21-3/4" x H1-5/8" 50 LED LED No No 120 Volt ETL Dry No Mini Pendants 19" - 24" 31" - 36" $1500 & more Frosted acrylic diffuser 120" No 4000 3000 90 Yes No 5 Years No No No China No No No Spec Sheet.pdf 44928 4+Light Cluster Gold, Champ, Gld Leaf Transitional Mini Pendants 4+Light Cluster Transitional 2 28.25 28.34 9.44 24.01 0.11 1 Small 50000 Installation Instructions.pdf Contemporary Modern Restoration