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Eurofase One Light Pendant in Chrome | Fan DiegoOne Light Pendant by Eurofase in Chrome from the Rosemount collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Pendants with free shipping deals.35990-017Chrome12.2526.56``160E26E26IncandescentYesNo120 Volt["Metal"]MetalCETLUSDryNoEAPendants7" - 12"25" - 30"$200-$300White/Tan72``72``NoNoNo1 YearNoNo5NoChinaNoNoNo44562OtherChromeContemporary ModernPendantsOtherContemporary Modern28.1622.645.758.270.62UPSWhite
Eurofase One Light Pendant in Chrome | Fan Diego One Light Pendant by Eurofase in Chrome from the Rosemount collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Pendants with free shipping deals. 35990-017 Chrome 12.25 26.5 6`` 1 60 E26 E26 Incandescent Yes No 120 Volt ["Metal"] Metal CETLUS Dry No EA Pendants 7" - 12" 25" - 30" $200-$300 White/Tan 72`` 72`` No No No 1 Year No No 5 No China No No No 44562 Other Chrome Contemporary Modern Pendants Other Contemporary Modern 2 8.16 22.64 5.75 8.27 0.62 UPS White