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Eurofase One Light Pendant in Satin Nickel | Fan DiegoOne Light Pendant by Eurofase in Satin Nickel from the Prospect collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Pendants with free shipping deals.37233-026Satin Nickel11.7522.756``160A19E26IncandescentYesNo120 Volt["Metal"]MetalCETLUSDryNoEAPendants7" - 12"19" - 24"$100-$200Opal White57``NoNoNo1 YearNoNo4.62NoChinaNoNoNo44562Glass DownPewter, Nickel, SilverTransitionalPendantsGlass DownTransitional26.8114.5718.3114.572.25UPS
Eurofase One Light Pendant in Satin Nickel | Fan Diego One Light Pendant by Eurofase in Satin Nickel from the Prospect collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Pendants with free shipping deals. 37233-026 Satin Nickel 11.75 22.75 6`` 1 60 A19 E26 Incandescent Yes No 120 Volt ["Metal"] Metal CETLUS Dry No EA Pendants 7" - 12" 19" - 24" $100-$200 Opal White 57`` No No No 1 Year No No 4.62 No China No No No 44562 Glass Down Pewter, Nickel, Silver Transitional Pendants Glass Down Transitional 2 6.81 14.57 18.31 14.57 2.25 UPS