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Quoizel LED Pendant in Earth Black | Fan DiegoLED Pendant by Quoizel in Earth Black from the Waving collection. Save on the largest selection of Quoizel Pendants with free shipping deals.PCWN2818EKEarth Black01916.75197.00"W X 1.50"L56LEDLEDYesNo120 Volt["STEEL"]STEELETLETLNoEAPendants19" - 24"13" - 18"$500-$750White Silicone8`8'No4480300090YesNoNoHardwireNo6.12NoChinaNoYesNo ModernPendantsSphereContemporary Modern210.0820.522.7520.55.531UPS
Quoizel LED Pendant in Earth Black | Fan Diego LED Pendant by Quoizel in Earth Black from the Waving collection. Save on the largest selection of Quoizel Pendants with free shipping deals. PCWN2818EK Earth Black 0 19 16.75 19 7.00"W X 1.50"L 56 LED LED Yes No 120 Volt ["STEEL"] STEEL ETL ETL No EA Pendants 19" - 24" 13" - 18" $500-$750 White Silicone 8` 8' No 4480 3000 90 Yes No No Hardwire No 6.12 No China No Yes No 44936 Sphere Black Contemporary Modern Pendants Sphere Contemporary Modern 2 10.08 20.5 22.75 20.5 5.53 1 UPS None 54