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Kuzco Lighting One Light Flush Mount in Black/Opal Glass|Brushed Gold/Opal Glass | Fan DiegoOne Light Flush Mount by Kuzco Lighting in Black/Opal Glass|Brushed Gold/Opal Glass from the Monae collection. Save on the largest selection of Kuzco Lighting Flush Mounts with free shipping deals.FM58310-BG/OPBlack/Opal Glass|Brushed Gold/Opal Glass9.8810.75D7-1/8" x H7/8"160E26E26IncandescentNoNo120 Volt["Steel"]SteelULDryNoFlush Mounts7" - 12"7" - 12"$100-$200Opal GlassNoNoMediumNo1 YearNoNoNoChinaNoNoNo Spec Sheet.pdf44928Glass DownGold, Champ, Gld LeafContemporary ModernFlush MountsGlass DownContemporary Modern2311.813.611.6 Installation Instructions.pdfWhiteFarmhouseMid-Century Modern
Kuzco Lighting One Light Flush Mount in Black/Opal Glass|Brushed Gold/Opal Glass | Fan Diego One Light Flush Mount by Kuzco Lighting in Black/Opal Glass|Brushed Gold/Opal Glass from the Monae collection. Save on the largest selection of Kuzco Lighting Flush Mounts with free shipping deals. FM58310-BG/OP Black/Opal Glass|Brushed Gold/Opal Glass 9.88 10.75 D7-1/8" x H7/8" 1 60 E26 E26 Incandescent No No 120 Volt ["Steel"] Steel UL Dry No Flush Mounts 7" - 12" 7" - 12" $100-$200 Opal Glass No No Medium No 1 Year No No No China No No No Spec Sheet.pdf 44928 Glass Down Gold, Champ, Gld Leaf Contemporary Modern Flush Mounts Glass Down Contemporary Modern 2 3 11.8 13.6 11.6 Installation Instructions.pdf White Farmhouse Mid-Century Modern