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Eurofase LED Chandelier in Bronze | Fan DiegoLED Chandelier by Eurofase in Bronze from the Lagatto collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Mid. Chandeliers with free shipping deals.41909-010Bronze["LivingRoom", " EntryWay"]LivingRoom, EntryWayLivingRoomEntryWay2411.753931.5``x15.75``x1.75``718IntegratedLEDYesNo120 Volt["Steel"]SteelETLDryNoMid. Chandeliers19" - 24"7" - 12"$1500 & more96``Yes300090YesNo12 MonthsNoNoNoChinaYesYesNo44562OtherGold, Champ, Gld LeafContemporary ModernMid. ChandeliersOtherContemporary Modern242.2435192710.39ParcelLeaf, Flower, FruitCable
Eurofase LED Chandelier in Bronze | Fan Diego LED Chandelier by Eurofase in Bronze from the Lagatto collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Mid. Chandeliers with free shipping deals. 41909-010 Bronze ["LivingRoom", " EntryWay"] LivingRoom, EntryWay LivingRoom EntryWay 24 11.75 39 31.5``x15.75``x1.75`` 7 18 Integrated LED Yes No 120 Volt ["Steel"] Steel ETL Dry No Mid. Chandeliers 19" - 24" 7" - 12" $1500 & more 96`` Yes 3000 90 Yes No 12 Months No No No China Yes Yes No 44562 Other Gold, Champ, Gld Leaf Contemporary Modern Mid. Chandeliers Other Contemporary Modern 2 42.24 35 19 27 10.39 Parcel Leaf, Flower, Fruit Cable