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Kichler LED Vanity in Brushed Nickel | Fan DiegoLED Vanity by Kichler in Brushed Nickel from the Jaxen collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Sconces with free shipping deals.83797Brushed Nickel5.2516.516.54.47 X 9.42 X 11tbdIntegratedLEDNoNo["STEEL"]STEELcETLusDampYesEASconces6" & Less13" - 18"$300-$500Clear Beveled Glass With White Interior12"Clear beveled glass painted insideYes700300090YesNo3 YrNo2.5HardwiredNo5.28NoCNNoNoNo09/13/2023PocketPewter, Nickel, SilverContemporary ModernSconcesPocketContemporary Modern26.8219.949.118.120.851UPS650
Kichler LED Vanity in Brushed Nickel | Fan Diego LED Vanity by Kichler in Brushed Nickel from the Jaxen collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Sconces with free shipping deals. 83797 Brushed Nickel 5.25 16.5 16.5 4.47 X 9.42 X 1 1 tbd Integrated LED No No ["STEEL"] STEEL cETLus Damp Yes EA Sconces 6" & Less 13" - 18" $300-$500 Clear Beveled Glass With White Interior 12" Clear beveled glass painted inside Yes 700 3000 90 Yes No 3 Yr No 2.5 Hardwired No 5.28 No CN No No No 09/13/2023 Pocket Pewter, Nickel, Silver Contemporary Modern Sconces Pocket Contemporary Modern 2 6.82 19.94 9.11 8.12 0.85 1 UPS 650