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Kuzco Lighting LED Bathroom Fixture in Black|Brushed Nickel | Fan DiegoLED Bathroom Fixture by Kuzco Lighting in Black|Brushed Nickel from the Dune collection. Save on the largest selection of Kuzco Lighting Bathroom Fixtures with free shipping deals.VL19931-BNBlack|Brushed Nickel30.252.75W4-5/8" x H4-5/8" x E1-5/8"16LEDDCLEDNoNo120 VoltETLDampNoBathroom Fixtures25" - 30"6" & Less$200-$300Parabolic Metalized PC Reflector + Clear LensNo1425300090YesNo5 YearsYes4.38NoNoChinaNoNoNo Spec Sheet.pdf44928Three LightsPewter, Nickel, SilverContemporary ModernBathroom FixturesThree LightsContemporary Modern24.1833.076.497.080.021Small50000 Installation Instructions.pdfTransitional1375
Kuzco Lighting LED Bathroom Fixture in Black|Brushed Nickel | Fan Diego LED Bathroom Fixture by Kuzco Lighting in Black|Brushed Nickel from the Dune collection. Save on the largest selection of Kuzco Lighting Bathroom Fixtures with free shipping deals. VL19931-BN Black|Brushed Nickel 30.25 2.75 W4-5/8" x H4-5/8" x E1-5/8" 16 LED DC LED No No 120 Volt ETL Damp No Bathroom Fixtures 25" - 30" 6" & Less $200-$300 Parabolic Metalized PC Reflector + Clear Lens No 1425 3000 90 Yes No 5 Years Yes 4.38 No No China No No No Spec Sheet.pdf 44928 Three Lights Pewter, Nickel, Silver Contemporary Modern Bathroom Fixtures Three Lights Contemporary Modern 2 4.18 33.07 6.49 7.08 0.02 1 Small 50000 Installation Instructions.pdf Transitional 1375