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Metropolitan LED Wall Sconce in Ardent Gold Leaf | Fan DiegoLED Wall Sconce by Metropolitan in Ardent Gold Leaf from the Arbor Grove collection. Save on the largest selection of Metropolitan Sconces with free shipping deals.N7970-696-LArdent Gold Leaf7246"x7.25"28Z05LEDYesNo["Steel/Glass/Fabric"]Steel/Glass/FabricETLDampYesEASconces7" - 12"19" - 24"$300-$500Frosted GlassYes1355.9270093YesNoNo4No2.87NoNoNoNo44689PocketGold, Champ, Gld LeafLeaf, Flower, FruitSconcesPocketLeaf, Flower, Fruit24.318.57.25100.781UPS50000WhiteTransitionalContemporary Modern774.5
Metropolitan LED Wall Sconce in Ardent Gold Leaf | Fan Diego LED Wall Sconce by Metropolitan in Ardent Gold Leaf from the Arbor Grove collection. Save on the largest selection of Metropolitan Sconces with free shipping deals. N7970-696-L Ardent Gold Leaf 7 24 6"x7.25" 2 8 Z05 LED Yes No ["Steel/Glass/Fabric"] Steel/Glass/Fabric ETL Damp Yes EA Sconces 7" - 12" 19" - 24" $300-$500 Frosted Glass Yes 1355.9 2700 93 Yes No No 4 No 2.87 No No No No 44689 Pocket Gold, Champ, Gld Leaf Leaf, Flower, Fruit Sconces Pocket Leaf, Flower, Fruit 2 4.3 18.5 7.25 10 0.78 1 UPS 50000 White Transitional Contemporary Modern 774.5