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Visual Comfort Modern LED Chandelier in Natural Brass | Fan DiegoLED Chandelier by Visual Comfort Modern in Natural Brass from the Shuffle collection. Save on the largest selection of Visual Comfort Modern Large Chandeliers with free shipping deals.CDCH17327WONBNatural Brass28.38.949.660"5.5"x5.5"x3.5"650LEDIntegratedLEDYesNo120 Volt["Metal"]MetalETLDampNoLarge Chandeliers49" - 58"7" - 12"$1500 & moreWeathered Oak72"Yes1242270090YesNo5 YearsNoNo22NoCNNoYesNo44927OtherBrassContemporary ModernLarge ChandeliersOtherContemporary Modern24055.513.539.5UPS FEDEXWoven/NaturalStem
Visual Comfort Modern LED Chandelier in Natural Brass | Fan Diego LED Chandelier by Visual Comfort Modern in Natural Brass from the Shuffle collection. Save on the largest selection of Visual Comfort Modern Large Chandeliers with free shipping deals. CDCH17327WONB Natural Brass 28.3 8.9 49.6 60" 5.5"x5.5"x3.5" 6 50 LED Integrated LED Yes No 120 Volt ["Metal"] Metal ETL Damp No Large Chandeliers 49" - 58" 7" - 12" $1500 & more Weathered Oak 72" Yes 1242 2700 90 Yes No 5 Years No No 22 No CN No Yes No 44927 Other Brass Contemporary Modern Large Chandeliers Other Contemporary Modern 2 40 55.5 13.5 39.5 UPS FEDEX Woven/Natural Stem