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Kichler LED Landscape Accent in Bronzed Brass | Fan DiegoLED Landscape Accent by Kichler in Bronzed Brass from the Landscape Led collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Landscape Ltg. with free shipping deals.16205BBR30Bronzed Brass4.55.56.5829LEDIntegratedLEDNoNo120 Volt["BRASS"]BRASScETLusWetNoEALandscape Ltg.6" & Less6" & Less$500-$75072``Yes300080YesNNoNoNo5.1NoTWNoNoNo09/13/2023AccentBrassContemporary ModernLandscape Ltg.AccentContemporary Modern25.38685.250.154UPS40000ClearStem
Kichler LED Landscape Accent in Bronzed Brass | Fan Diego LED Landscape Accent by Kichler in Bronzed Brass from the Landscape Led collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Landscape Ltg. with free shipping deals. 16205BBR30 Bronzed Brass 4.5 5.5 6.5 8 29 LED Integrated LED No No 120 Volt ["BRASS"] BRASS cETLus Wet No EA Landscape Ltg. 6" & Less 6" & Less $500-$750 72`` Yes 3000 80 Yes N No No No 5.1 No TW No No No 09/13/2023 Accent Brass Contemporary Modern Landscape Ltg. Accent Contemporary Modern 2 5.38 6 8 5.25 0.15 4 UPS 40000 Clear Stem