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Kuzco Lighting LED Pendant in Black|Brushed Gold|White | Fan DiegoLED Pendant by Kuzco Lighting in Black|Brushed Gold|White from the Cerchio collection. Save on the largest selection of Kuzco Lighting Pendants with free shipping deals.PD87136-BGBlack|Brushed Gold|White35.381.38D11-3/4" x H2"78LEDLEDNoNo120 VoltETLDryNoPendants31" - 36"6" & Less$750-$1500Frosted Silicone Diffuser120"No5630300090YesNo5 YearsNoNoNoChinaNoNoNo Spec Sheet.pdf44928OtherGold, Champ, Gld LeafContemporary ModernPendantsOtherContemporary Modern215.938.585.1238.581LTL50000 Installation Instructions.pdf2270
Kuzco Lighting LED Pendant in Black|Brushed Gold|White | Fan Diego LED Pendant by Kuzco Lighting in Black|Brushed Gold|White from the Cerchio collection. Save on the largest selection of Kuzco Lighting Pendants with free shipping deals. PD87136-BG Black|Brushed Gold|White 35.38 1.38 D11-3/4" x H2" 78 LED LED No No 120 Volt ETL Dry No Pendants 31" - 36" 6" & Less $750-$1500 Frosted Silicone Diffuser 120" No 5630 3000 90 Yes No 5 Years No No No China No No No Spec Sheet.pdf 44928 Other Gold, Champ, Gld Leaf Contemporary Modern Pendants Other Contemporary Modern 2 15.9 38.58 5.12 38.58 1 LTL 50000 Installation Instructions.pdf 2270