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Metropolitan Three Light Wall Sconce in Chrome | Fan DiegoThree Light Wall Sconce by Metropolitan in Chrome from the Metropolitan collection. Save on the largest selection of Metropolitan Sconces with free shipping deals.N9183Chrome11.57.511.5340G-9G9XenonNoNo["Clear Glass"]Clear GlassETLDryNoEASconces7" - 12"7" - 12"$500-$750YesNoNoNo10.75No2.2NoNoNoNohttps:/ GlassChromeTransitionalSconcesTriple GlassTransitional24.42222226.161TRKClearContemporary Modern
Metropolitan Three Light Wall Sconce in Chrome | Fan Diego Three Light Wall Sconce by Metropolitan in Chrome from the Metropolitan collection. Save on the largest selection of Metropolitan Sconces with free shipping deals. N9183 Chrome 11.5 7.5 11.5 3 40 G-9 G9 Xenon No No ["Clear Glass"] Clear Glass ETL Dry No EA Sconces 7" - 12" 7" - 12" $500-$750 Yes No No No 10.75 No 2.2 No No No No https:/ 44689 Triple Glass Chrome Transitional Sconces Triple Glass Transitional 2 4.4 22 22 22 6.16 1 TRK Clear Contemporary Modern