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Elegant Lighting One Light Floor Lamp in Brass | Fan DiegoOne Light Floor Lamp by Elegant Lighting in Brass from the Flos collection. Save on the largest selection of Elegant Lighting Lamps with free shipping deals.LD5101FL21BRBrass["living room", " office"]living room, officeliving roomoffice127021160E26E26YesNo120 Volt["iron"]ironETLDRYNoLamps7" - 12"61" - 72"$100-$200Brass120"blackNoNoMediumNo1 year limitedNoNo15.5NoChinaYesNoNo07/27/2023Floor LampsGold, Champ, Gld LeafContemporary ModernLampsFloor LampsContemporary Modern321.323.416.419.10.12Small ParcelMetalRestorationfoot switch53
Elegant Lighting One Light Floor Lamp in Brass | Fan Diego One Light Floor Lamp by Elegant Lighting in Brass from the Flos collection. Save on the largest selection of Elegant Lighting Lamps with free shipping deals. LD5101FL21BR Brass ["living room", " office"] living room, office living room office 12 70 21 1 60 E26 E26 Yes No 120 Volt ["iron"] iron ETL DRY No Lamps 7" - 12" 61" - 72" $100-$200 Brass 120"black No No Medium No 1 year limited No No 15.5 No China Yes No No 07/27/2023 Floor Lamps Gold, Champ, Gld Leaf Contemporary Modern Lamps Floor Lamps Contemporary Modern 3 21.3 23.4 16.4 19.1 0.12 Small Parcel Metal Restoration foot switch 53