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Eurofase Display Light in Chrome | Fan DiegoDisplay Light by Eurofase in Chrome from the Cabinet collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Specialty Items with free shipping deals.19224-015Chrome3.750.882.3891.8INTEGRATEDLEDNoNo120 VoltCETLUSNoEASpecialty Items6" & Less6" & Less$100-$200Yes1103500YesYesNoNo0.01NoChinaNoYesNo44562UndercabinetChromeTraditionalSpecialty ItemsUndercabinetTraditional20.45.122.362.760.02UPSTransitional
Eurofase Display Light in Chrome | Fan Diego Display Light by Eurofase in Chrome from the Cabinet collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Specialty Items with free shipping deals. 19224-015 Chrome 3.75 0.88 2.38 9 1.8 INTEGRATED LED No No 120 Volt CETLUS No EA Specialty Items 6" & Less 6" & Less $100-$200 Yes 110 3500 Yes Yes No No 0.01 No China No Yes No 44562 Undercabinet Chrome Traditional Specialty Items Undercabinet Traditional 2 0.4 5.12 2.36 2.76 0.02 UPS Transitional