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Eurofase Infloor in Satin Nickel | Fan DiegoInfloor by Eurofase in Satin Nickel from the In-Floor collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Recessed with free shipping deals.19251-011Satin Nickel3.130.3810.4INTEGRATEDLEDNoNoCETLUSDryNoEARecessed6" & Less6" & Less$100-$200FrostedYes3500YesYesNoNo0.3NoChinaNoNoNo44562Line Voltage 4In TrimsPewter, Nickel, SilverTransitionalRecessedLine Voltage 4In TrimsTransitional20.353.541.573.540.01UPS
Eurofase Infloor in Satin Nickel | Fan Diego Infloor by Eurofase in Satin Nickel from the In-Floor collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Recessed with free shipping deals. 19251-011 Satin Nickel 3.13 0.38 1 0.4 INTEGRATED LED No No CETLUS Dry No EA Recessed 6" & Less 6" & Less $100-$200 Frosted Yes 3500 Yes Yes No No 0.3 No China No No No 44562 Line Voltage 4In Trims Pewter, Nickel, Silver Transitional Recessed Line Voltage 4In Trims Transitional 2 0.35 3.54 1.57 3.54 0.01 UPS