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Eurofase LED Downlight in White | Fan DiegoLED Downlight by Eurofase in White from the Midway collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Recessed with free shipping deals.45375-019White["Kitchen", " Bathroom", " Living Room", " Entry Way"]Kitchen, Bathroom, Living Room, Entry WayKitchenBathroomLiving RoomEntry Way4.680.944.68112LEDIntegratedLEDYesNo120 Volt["Aluminum"]AluminumCETLUSWetNoRecessed6" & Less6" & Less$100 & lessYes703270090YesNo12 MonthsYesNo0.5NoCHINANoNoNo ModernRecessedMiscContemporary Modern20.96.32.565.510.05Ground UPS/FDX50000703110
Eurofase LED Downlight in White | Fan Diego LED Downlight by Eurofase in White from the Midway collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Recessed with free shipping deals. 45375-019 White ["Kitchen", " Bathroom", " Living Room", " Entry Way"] Kitchen, Bathroom, Living Room, Entry Way Kitchen Bathroom Living Room Entry Way 4.68 0.94 4.68 1 12 LED Integrated LED Yes No 120 Volt ["Aluminum"] Aluminum CETLUS Wet No Recessed 6" & Less 6" & Less $100 & less Yes 703 2700 90 Yes No 12 Months Yes No 0.5 No CHINA No No No 44562 Misc White Contemporary Modern Recessed Misc Contemporary Modern 2 0.9 6.3 2.56 5.51 0.05 Ground UPS/FDX 50000 703 110