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Eurofase NC Plate in | Fan DiegoNC Plate by Eurofase in from the collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Recessed with free shipping deals.32508-0128.881.3811130INTEGRATEDLEDYesNoCETLUSNoEARecessed7" - 12"6" & Less$100 & lessYes2100350080YesNoNoNoNoCanadaNoNoNo44562Line Voltage 6In HousingPewter, Nickel, SilverArchitectureRecessedLine Voltage 6In HousingArchitecture21.379.451.389.450.07UPS
Eurofase NC Plate in | Fan Diego NC Plate by Eurofase in from the collection. Save on the largest selection of Eurofase Recessed with free shipping deals. 32508-012 8.88 1.38 11 1 30 INTEGRATED LED Yes No CETLUS No EA Recessed 7" - 12" 6" & Less $100 & less Yes 2100 3500 80 Yes No No No No Canada No No No 44562 Line Voltage 6In Housing Pewter, Nickel, Silver Architecture Recessed Line Voltage 6In Housing Architecture 2 1.37 9.45 1.38 9.45 0.07 UPS