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Kichler LED Outdoor Wall Mount in Textured Black | Fan DiegoLED Outdoor Wall Mount by Kichler in Textured Black from the Wakefield collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Exterior with free shipping deals.49751BKTLEDTextured Black717.7510.50 X 5.25115IntegratedLEDYesNo120 Volt["ALUMINUM"]ALUMINUMcETLusWetNoEAExterior7" - 12"13" - 18"$300-$500Clear Rain6"Yes675300090YesNoNo10No7NoCNNoYesNo09/13/2023Wall MountBlackTransitionalExteriorWall MountTransitional214.2527.515.75123.01UPS40000Clear9.5675
Kichler LED Outdoor Wall Mount in Textured Black | Fan Diego LED Outdoor Wall Mount by Kichler in Textured Black from the Wakefield collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Exterior with free shipping deals. 49751BKTLED Textured Black 7 17.75 10.50 X 5.25 1 15 Integrated LED Yes No 120 Volt ["ALUMINUM"] ALUMINUM cETLus Wet No EA Exterior 7" - 12" 13" - 18" $300-$500 Clear Rain 6" Yes 675 3000 90 Yes No No 10 No 7 No CN No Yes No 09/13/2023 Wall Mount Black Transitional Exterior Wall Mount Transitional 2 14.25 27.5 15.75 12 3.01 UPS 40000 Clear 9.5 675