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Kichler LED Pendant in White | Fan DiegoLED Pendant by Kichler in White from the Clevo collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Pendants with free shipping deals.84095WHWhite24127.00 DIA111LEDIntegratedLEDYesNo120 Volt["Steel"]SteelcETLusDryNoEAPendants19" - 24"7" - 12"$300-$500Satin Etched Cased Opal72"Yes300090YesNoNoNo10NoCNNoNoNo09/13/2023Glass DownWhiteTransitionalPendantsGlass DownTransitional214.72612264.69UPS40000Opal775
Kichler LED Pendant in White | Fan Diego LED Pendant by Kichler in White from the Clevo collection. Save on the largest selection of Kichler Pendants with free shipping deals. 84095WH White 24 12 7.00 DIA 1 11 LED Integrated LED Yes No 120 Volt ["Steel"] Steel cETLus Dry No EA Pendants 19" - 24" 7" - 12" $300-$500 Satin Etched Cased Opal 72" Yes 3000 90 Yes No No No 10 No CN No No No 09/13/2023 Glass Down White Transitional Pendants Glass Down Transitional 2 14.7 26 12 26 4.69 UPS 40000 Opal 775