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Quoizel Eight Light Island Chandelier in Iron Gate | Fan DiegoEight Light Island Chandelier by Quoizel in Iron Gate from the Melville collection. Save on the largest selection of Quoizel Linear/Island with free shipping deals.MVL642INIron Gate["Dining", " Kitchen"]Dining, Kitchen,DiningKitchen429.25184 (0.63"D x 6"), 4 (0.63"D x 12")10.75"W X 4.75"L6100E26MediumYesNo120 Volt["STEEL"]STEELETLETLNoEALinear/Island37" - 48"7" - 12"$500-$7508'No375270080NoNoNo2HardwireNo18.94NoChinaNoNoNo Light +Bronze / DarkTransitionalLinear/Island4 Light +Transitional224.1321.258.2544.754.541UPS Two-Circuit on Base (li,l2,l1-l2/Off)44
Quoizel Eight Light Island Chandelier in Iron Gate | Fan Diego Eight Light Island Chandelier by Quoizel in Iron Gate from the Melville collection. Save on the largest selection of Quoizel Linear/Island with free shipping deals. MVL642IN Iron Gate ["Dining", " Kitchen"] Dining, Kitchen, Dining Kitchen 42 9.25 18 4 (0.63"D x 6"), 4 (0.63"D x 12") 10.75"W X 4.75"L 6 100 E26 Medium Yes No 120 Volt ["STEEL"] STEEL ETL ETL No EA Linear/Island 37" - 48" 7" - 12" $500-$750 8' No 375 2700 80 No No No 2 Hardwire No 18.94 No China No No No 44936 4 Light + Bronze / Dark Transitional Linear/Island 4 Light + Transitional 2 24.13 21.25 8.25 44.75 4.54 1 UPS 5 GU10 Rotary Two-Circuit on Base (li,l2,l1-l2/Off) 44