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Quoizel Four Light Mini Pendant in Polished Chrome | Fan DiegoFour Light Mini Pendant by Quoizel in Polished Chrome from the Bordeaux collection. Save on the largest selection of Quoizel Pendants with free shipping deals.BRX1512CPolished Chrome["Bedroom", " Entry/Foyer", " Hallway"]Bedroom, Entry/Foyer, HallwayBedroomEntry/FoyerHallway11.751011.755.00"W X 2.00"L440G9G9XenonNoNo120 Volt["STEEL-CRYSTAL"]STEEL-CRYSTALETLETLNoEAPendants7" - 12"7" - 12"$300-$500Clear Crystal Glass4'8'NoNoNoNo8No9.9NoNoNoNo ModernPendantsEmpire/BasketContemporary Modern211.8813.751213.751.311UPS
Quoizel Four Light Mini Pendant in Polished Chrome | Fan Diego Four Light Mini Pendant by Quoizel in Polished Chrome from the Bordeaux collection. Save on the largest selection of Quoizel Pendants with free shipping deals. BRX1512C Polished Chrome ["Bedroom", " Entry/Foyer", " Hallway"] Bedroom, Entry/Foyer, Hallway Bedroom Entry/Foyer Hallway 11.75 10 11.75 5.00"W X 2.00"L 4 40 G9 G9 Xenon No No 120 Volt ["STEEL-CRYSTAL"] STEEL-CRYSTAL ETL ETL No EA Pendants 7" - 12" 7" - 12" $300-$500 Clear Crystal Glass 4' 8' No No No No 8 No 9.9 No No No No 44936 Empire/Basket Chrome Contemporary Modern Pendants Empire/Basket Contemporary Modern 2 11.88 13.75 12 13.75 1.31 1 UPS Clear None 13