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Visual Comfort Modern LED Suspension in Matte Black | Fan DiegoLED Suspension by Visual Comfort Modern in Matte Black from the Fiama collection. Save on the largest selection of Visual Comfort Modern Pendants with free shipping deals.700FIA48B-LED930Matte Black["Foyer", " Dining Room", " Kitchen"]Foyer, Dining Room, KitchenFoyerDining RoomKitchen481.5487.8"x7.8"x2.2"1116.9LEDIntegratedLEDYesNo120 Volt["Metal"]MetalETLDampNoPendants37" - 48"6" & Less$1500 & moreAluminum144"Yes4488300090YesNo5 YearsNoNo13.5NoCNNoYesNo44927OtherBlackTransitionalPendantsOtherTransitional22253.5653.5UPS FEDEX
Visual Comfort Modern LED Suspension in Matte Black | Fan Diego LED Suspension by Visual Comfort Modern in Matte Black from the Fiama collection. Save on the largest selection of Visual Comfort Modern Pendants with free shipping deals. 700FIA48B-LED930 Matte Black ["Foyer", " Dining Room", " Kitchen"] Foyer, Dining Room, Kitchen Foyer Dining Room Kitchen 48 1.5 48 7.8"x7.8"x2.2" 1 116.9 LED Integrated LED Yes No 120 Volt ["Metal"] Metal ETL Damp No Pendants 37" - 48" 6" & Less $1500 & more Aluminum 144" Yes 4488 3000 90 Yes No 5 Years No No 13.5 No CN No Yes No 44927 Other Black Transitional Pendants Other Transitional 2 22 53.5 6 53.5 UPS FEDEX